Please scroll down for the English version. 今天霓虹交滙收到一霓虹招牌部件,很高興可以給它們一個家作日後修復等之用。我們非常多謝商戶的信任及支持,亦想藉此呼籲,如貴寶號因各種原因無法保留閣下珍貴的霓虹招牌,可以主動和我們聯絡,我們可商討方案,希望能盡量合力把整個招牌保育。
Today parts of a used neon sign arrived and we are delighted to give it a home. Thank you for the trust and support from the business! We would like to take this chance to call for neon sign donations from businesses - if for whatever reasons, your neon sign can no longer be kept in the street, please notify us asap and we can work together to conserve your sign, as intact as possible.
We have recently received enquiries on how individuals can contribute to our cause - if you notice any neon signs that may be at risk of being removed, please be in touch with us asap. This could likely prevent them from being cut up and sold as scrap metal etc.
You sharing this post and what we do will also help!! Thank you so much for your support!!