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龍城大藥房重新豎立一霓虹招牌! A new neon sign erected by Lung Shing Dispensary!

Please scroll down for the English version. 繼上月友平台@霓虹黯色 及@街招的報導及分享,位於尖沙咀有數十年歷史的龍城大藥房,其伸出式街外招牌被移除後,近日出現現今已難得一見的街頭風景 一一 新的霓虹招牌在上址重新豎立(見圖),實在令人振奮! 但懇請大家在「打咭」時顧己及人,不要阻礙商户及其他途人。

Followed by the news of the swift removal of the projecting neon sign shared by both 霓虹黯色 and @街招 , a rare sight has been captured this week ----- the decades-old dispensary has erected a neon sign replacement (as seen in the photo below) on the premises. Such a delightful news! We understand it is exciting but please be considerate when taking photos and try not to obstruct the pedestrian pavements and cause inconvenience to the store and others.

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