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媒體報導 - 紀載香港 Media Coverage - EpochHKSociety

(English version can be found below) 衷心感謝香港社會有關香港霓虹的詳細報導 (網上及實體版本),一篇文章包括大概背景、特色、現況、消失原因、我們機構及其下人物故事、翠華招牌項目等實在不容易。預告:請大家繼續留意其往後報導。

A thorough feature (in Chinese only but with many beautiful photos) on Hong Kong neon by 香港社會 went live today (both online and offline)! It is no easy task to include its history, uniqueness, current situation, reasons of its disappearance, Tetra Neon Exchange and our people together with our Tsui Wah Neon Sign Conservation in one single article. We really appreciate their great effort! Spoiler alert: please stay tuned for more.

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